Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Management Principles Of Public And Nonprofit Organizations
This semester we had the opportunity to explore management principles in public and nonprofit organizations. We learned a range of concepts, theories, models and techniques related to organizational and management theory, supervision, communication, ethics, and a multitude of perspectives within organizations and society. The concepts that were stressed by Lee G. Bolman Terrence E. Deal (2013) in Reframing Organization was the structural, human resource, political and symbolic aspects of organizational behavior. (Bolman Deal 2013). Exploring these organizational structures have made me evaluate my own organization and I want to present in my paper some of the concepts that we learned this semester and relate them to my experiences I†¦show more content†¦This case ultimately set the precedent of how the IDJJ facilities would operate under the Consent Decree. There were six IYC facilities IYC-Chicago, Harrisburg, Kewanee, Pere Marquette, St. Charles, and Warrenville. In 2016 , IYC- Kewanee faced a closure. The state recently closed the facility in 2016 in hopes to save money. Now there are only five IYC juvenile facilities operating under direct supervision of Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice. The Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice have been operating for almost eleven years. With IDJJ being a new department, it is established, but there are still some management and organizational issues that are still present within this organization. In prior post, I stated that my organization runs similarly to Henry Mintzberg’s five parts of an organization known as the Mintzberg’s five: the operating core, the strategic apex, the middle line, the technostructure, and the support staff. The operating core represents workers who are on the frontline and are responsible for producing the organization’s services and goods. The strategic apex is the organization’s executive leadership that ensures that operation is running smooth ly and is in accordance with policy, procedure, and organizational strategy. The middle line represents middle management. These workers are responsible for supervising staff while taking instruction from the strategic apex. The technostructure is responsible for training, work procedures,Show MoreRelatedStrategy, Advocacy And Change Essay957 Words  | 4 Pagesplanning and implementing are two basic principles in guiding an organization forward to a strong and productive future (Rowe Dato-on Conway, p. 162). i. Strategic Management is a concept derived from a for-profit technique to enhance organizational performance and provide meaningful information to stakeholders (Kong, p. 281). ii. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Aqa Psya3 Interventions for Addiction Notes Free Essays
Interventions for addiction (Key: – = negative criticism/limitations + = positive criticism/support Biological interventions Methadone for heroin: Heroin addicts are given Methadone, which gives similar effects but is less addictive. Their dose is slowly increased to build up tolerance, then slowly decreased to wean the addict of it until the addict need neither substance. Some people just switch from being heroin addicts to Meth addicts – Statistics show more than 300 methadone related deaths in the UK in 2007 – Methadone consumption is often unsupervised, which has created a black market, where addicts can sell their doses for only ? 2 Potential drug treatments for gambling: not approved in the UK yet, but there is evidence that SSRI’s (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors which increase serotonin= good mood) or Naltrexone (a dopamine receptor antagonist, which reduces the reward of gambling by reducing dopamine) may be effective. We will write a custom essay sample on Aqa Psya3 Interventions for Addiction Notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hollander found that gamblers treated with SSRI’s showed improvements compared to a control group – BUT Hollander’s study only had 10 participants; a larger, longer study by Blanco et al (32 gamblers over 6 months) showed SSRI was no more effective than a placebo + Kim and Grant showed that naltrexone led to decrease in gambling thoughts and behaviours after 6 weeks of treatment – Intervention bias of doctors: Cohen and Cohen suggest that clinicians don’t believe addictions are too difficult to treat, because they only come across them when the addiction is too advanced to respond to treatment Psychological interventions: Reinforcement: Sindelar did a study with addicts on methadone therapy (+ counselling). One group was rewarded every time they tested negative for drugs. By the end, the reward group had 60% more negative urine tests than the control (who weren’t offered rewards). + Sindelar showed it to be effective at reducing the addictive behaviour – BUT Reinforcement doesn’t address the underlying problems that caused the addiction in the first place, so as soon as the rewards are removed, addicts may just go back to engaging in the same, or another addictive behaviour again (eg an alcoholic may go back to alcohol, or develop an new addiction for sex). The rewards would have to be paid for by the NHS, which is a public service funded by taxes. The general public wouldn’t want their taxes being spent on giving addicts rewards CBT: CBT helps people change the way they think about their addiction and learn ways of coping effectively. (eg. in gambling addiction, the addict has a cognitive error in believing they can influence the outcome of the game, CBT would correct this wrong thinking by showing them that the belief is irrational) + Effective: Ladoceur et al randomly allocated 66 pathological gamblers to either a CBT group or waiting list. At the end, 86% of the treatment group were no longer classed as pathological gamblers, and had increased self-efficacy. + ALSO Sylvian et al looked at treatments that targeted both cognition and behaviour. Pathological gamblers were given cognitive therapy, social skills training and relapse prevention, resulting in improvements which were maintained at a 1yr follow-up. Research has tended to show that no psychological treatment to be superior, but that they are most effective when combined with pharmacological treatments. Public health interventions The NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) Study: US government sponsored interventions such as the NIDA Collaborative Cocaine Treatment (CCT) study are designed to intervene in the cycle of drug-related personal and social problems. + The NIDA intervention led to a reduction in cocaine use, and subsequent reductions in related behaviours (eg. unprotected sex, which led to a reduction in HIV transmission) Telephone smoking ‘Quitline’: Stead et al found that smokers who received repeated Quitline counselling telephone calls were 50% more likely to quit than a control who only received brief counselling. Has real-world applications: Military personnel deployed overseas often take up, or increase smoking habits. Beckham et al found that combining Quitline services with nicotine replacement therapy was highly effective in treating US military veterans. Prevention of youth gambling: Messerlian et al proposed a prevention model based on research into teenage pathological gambling using denormalisation, protection, prevention and harm reduction principles. (eg. programme based on prevention would include early identification of ‘at risk’ youths, and attempt to avert them from escalating towards pathological gambling. + Public health intervention in gambling is proactive and addresses a potentially devastating social issue. Research shows that problem gambling as a teen can lead to subsequently adverse outcomes, (eg. strained relationships, criminal behaviour, depression and even suicide) so early prevention is essential. (Derevensky and Gupta) How to cite Aqa Psya3 Interventions for Addiction Notes, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Airline Company-Case Study-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write a report about a Crisis in a Local Company. Answer: History The airline company was established in the year 1975 and began its operation in the year 1976. The company started by providing helicopter operations and had its first aircraft in the year 1991. The ownership of the company is divided where 30 percent of the stakes are taken up by the government of Abu Dhabi and 70 percent of the stakes are retained by the nationals. The size of the fleet increased to a number of 34 fleets by the end of 1983, which showed that the annual flight hours for the company was 38,800 and an average of 100 hours per day (Arif, Willliams Gupta, 2013). Mission/Vision The mission of the company is to provide solutions that are innovative in nature on a global basis so that it can meet the expectations of the employee, shareholders and the customers. The vision of the company is that it aims to build a single team so that it can help in achieving better profits in the future. Objectives The objectives of the company are that it will provide safety at all costs and will see that it is not compromised anyhow. The company will provide the best services that are innovative and cost-effective in nature. The company is dedicated in providing the best level of customer satisfaction by ensuring that they have a better level of competence and competitiveness in the market (Touq Ijeh, 2017). Organizational structure Figure 1: Organizational Chart (Source: Alameeri et al., 2017) Services provided by the organization The company provides support to the offshore oil companies and the oil and gas production companies along with other services on a global manner. It also provides transportation services for the important people and carries out the search and rescue operation in the UAE as well. Apart from this, it provides other services such as spraying of crops, aerial constructions, fighting fire in the European countries and providing seismic support (Touq Ijeh, 2017). Internal communication plan The internal communication within the company consists of informing the employees so that they can be aware of the messages that are being circulated within the organization. The company makes it a point to publish the information to the employees at the time when it is being made public. The communication is done on a simultaneous and an uniform manner. The use of the intern al communication has helped the company in maintaining an effective relationship with the employees and the managers so that it can help in promoting transferring of messages in a better way (Heikal, 2014). External communication The company has identified its major stakeholders so that the relevant information can be communicated with them in a continuous manner and in accordance to the communication policy. The channels of communication that are taken up by the company vary with different issues that are being communicated to the different stakeholders. The relationship with the investors is done by providing them all the information in a transparent manner, which helps in increasing the values of the company and the expectations by the customers (Al Nahyan Abdel All, 2017). Other information Number of employees The company employs over 1000 personnel, which is inclusive of more than 150 pilots and the engineers and technicians consist of around 280 people. Yearly budget The yearly budget for the company for the financial year 2015 was estimated to be Dh24 billion, as the budget focused on using the financial resources in a sustainable manner so that better education and health care services can be provided by the company to its people. The budget was divided in to maintain the affairs of the government, economic and infrastructure development and increasing the financial assets for the company as well, which will help them in serving the customers in a better way (Rhoades, 2016). Future plans The company is looking forward to the application of drone technology and pilotless aircrafts in their helicopter services so that it can mitigate the level of accidents. The company needs to understand the role that these technologies will play in the future so that it can help the use of innovative measures within the company can help in the excellence of the companies. the company has plans to work with the government enterprises so that the drones can be manufactured so that it can help the aircrafts in operating properly. The company also has plans to expand its fleet of aircrafts, as the demand of private jets by consumers are increasing and is not affected by the decrease in the price of oils. This will help the company to diversify its business and include Bombardier Global 5000 to its collection of aircrafts. Problem within the company The issues within the company are that the level of profit has been decreasing since the financial crisis of oil prices that started within the country since 2008. The profit of the company fell in the last quarter to around 42 percent due to the fall of the oil prices. The shortage in the level of profit was due to the low demand of the air services, which led to the suffering for the company. The chairman of the company Mr. Nader Al Hammadi stated that the decrease in the corporate travel has made a powerful impact on the aviation business that is present within Abu Dhabi (Hari, Yaaakob Binitha, 2015). Plan to fix the issue The company needs to introduce new technologies within its airline services so that it can increase its level of competitive advantage within the aviation sector. The shortage of skilled employees along with the complex programs has led to the drop in the demands by the customers that need to be fixed immediately. The company needs to focus on the assets that are present with them so that the data can be transferred digitally, which will minimize the risk of tampering the information. The low price of the oil needs to be applied by the company by giving the tickets at a lower rate so that it can help in increasing the demand among the customers (Thretheway Markhvida, 2014). Reference List Al Nahyan, M. T., Abdel All, S. F. (2017). Key Enablers of Effective Implementation of TQM in Royal Jet Airways.Advances in Decision Sciences,2017. Alameeri, A., Ajmal, M. M., Hussain, M., Helo, P. T. (2017). Sustainability practices in the aviation sector: a study of UAE-based airlines.International Journal of Sustainable Society,9(2), 119-147. Arif, M., Gupta, A., Williams, A. (2013). Customer service in the aviation industryAn exploratory analysis of UAE airports.Journal of Air Transport Management,32, 1-7. Hari, T. K., Yaakob, Z., Binitha, N. N. (2015). Aviation biofuel from renewable resources: routes, opportunities and challenges.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,42, 1234-1244. Heikal, M. M. (2014).Evaluating the Outcomes of Vocational Education Program in Abu Dhabi from a Project Management Perspective(Doctoral dissertation, The British University in Dubai (BUiD)). Rhoades, D. L. (2016).Evolution of international aviation: phoenix rising. Routledge. Touq, A. B., Ijeh, A. (2017). Information Quality in Participatory Systems: The Case of Abu Dhabi.International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO),7(4), 19-31. Tretheway, M. W., Markhvida, K. (2014). The aviation value chain: Economic returns and policy issues.Journal of Air Transport Management,41, 3-16.
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