Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Visiting the museums Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Visiting the galleries - Research Proposal Example Artworks and figures are a portion of the interesting perspectives found in the historical center. All these along with inventive drawings and artworks indicate more than 20, 000 assortments of imaginative works. There are six presentations that are changeless in the National Portrait Gallery. It additionally contains figures and drawings of past American presidents. America’s history about the starting point of Americans is introduced by educated specialists in the exhibition. The accessible shows regularly include the unmistakable individuals who exceeded expectations in amusement and sports in the twentieth century. The Smithsonian American Art Museum holds a huge assortment of American craftsmanship. It is in all likelihood the biggest assortment of American craftsmanship internationally. Such a large number of fine arts dated from the seventeenth century are available in this exhibition hall. The to a great extent comprehensive visual expressions in the historical center present an assortment of shows of the American history. Guests are given endowments, understanding materials and designs in the stores of the exhibition hall. A large portion of the lists and books are on American craftsmanship. There are a large number of imaginative articles related with America’s history. It is difficult for a guest to experience these in one day. There are staffs who direct guests through the historical center just as exercises in which they take an interest so as to encourage their learning. The historical center is arranged in the National Mall. This is found between the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. It is typically open from September to June. In the exhibition hall guests find out much about American Indian culture. The historical center staffs are experienced individuals who took me and different guests everywhere throughout the displays clarifying in detail and responding to inquiries from their crowd. They offer guided visits relying upon the interests of the guests. The staffs are American Indian experts whose experience is clear from the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rebel W/out A Cause Essay -- essays research papers
Dissident WITHOUT A CAUSE           Rebel Without A Cause is a film around three pained, character looking for young people estranged from the universe of their folks (Jim Stark, Judy, and Plato). Each of the movie’s fundamental characters is looking for getting, friendship, and a feeling of having a place, much like the vast majority of the young people today. Indeed, even idea the film is dated, it portrays the principle issues and worries that teenagers at present face. This film offers no answers. It only presents the issues and the watcher is left to contemplate how they'll turn out. I could relate to this film on numerous levels. What's more, I respect the youthful crowds out there could also.           The film appears to tell the crowd that since youngsters do some awful things, doesn’t mean they’re terrible on a fundamental level. I concur. In the film, Jim is constrained into partaking in a chickie run with a neighborhood group pioneer named Buzz. A chickie run is the place two folks race in a vehicle towards a precipice. The first to leap out from his vehicle is a chicken. Jim feels he has something to demonstrate. He doesn’t need to race, yet he believes he needs to show everybody he’s intense. Normally most young people today don’t need to stumble into difficulty, however on the off chance that it is important to risk their lives they will, just to keep up their notoriety. This is essentially related to a marvel that youngsters experience each day of thei...
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Dumbest Idea in the World Maximizing Shareholder Value
The Dumbest Idea in the World Maximizing Shareholder Value If you were to name the ultimate definition of creating a business purpose, what would that be? According to Peter Drucker creating a customer IS the actually the purpose of any business.It may sound rather simple, like putting 2 and 2 together, but this non-complicated and seemingly transparent definition has lots of things underneath the surface.Our mission here is to clarify whether maximizing shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world or not.We shall start with defining it first and then unveil piece by piece of this intriguing puzzle.It’s of vital importance to be familiar with the differences in various types of market (real vs. expectations) and lead your business based on numerous researches, and well-arranged plans.But of course, you must always make room for some unexpected situations. They are an integral and free to say inevitable part of every business.We cannot offer you a secret instant formula HOW TO actually create your very own customer(s), but we can giv e you more than a useful guide, along with a multitude of directions, tips, and tricks that might be of help.DEFINING THE SHAREHOLDER VALUE MAXIMIZATIONTo begin with, it very important to be clear on WHAT does maximizing shareholder value (MSV) actually mean.The idea is generally in correlation with free market capitalism, which promotes the belief that the main purpose of running a corporation is creating maximal value for the (potential) owners.Though many would point out that this idea itself is not a controversial one, but it’s the mentality that can result in bad things.When we say bad things, what we mean is overpaid executives, underpaid workers, various compensations, buying back shares and so on.However, even though these things allegedly make the economy worse off, is this kind of criticism actually VALID?By digging only a bit deeper, we actually reveal the reverse of the medal (which, by the way, is not bad at all!).DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL AND EXPECTATION MARKETUntil we actually clarify whether the thing is indeed the dumbest idea or not, we shall focus a bit on a matter of markets.Nowadays, CEOs strive to focus greater part of their attention on the expectations market, not on a real one (meaning delivering real services and products).The real market is the world we know. It’s the reality which consists of machines and factories, where the actual products are created and distributed to be sold.Furthermore, this process brings a certain profit and that’s how this circle of life rolls. This is the universe controlled by the executives, at least some part of it is.On the other hand, the expectations market is a sort of imaginary land.In this world, investors make assessments of the real market and based on that they predict, expect and project future situations.It’s the investors’ consensus (both actual and potential), that shapes the company’s stock price.Bottom line is that expectations are where the cash is, it’s as simple as that.The slowest and the most demanding part of the procedure is the question of increasing the expectations from the existing point and hence improve real market performance.Of course, it’s highly important to stress out that these actually vary and undergo constant changes.Trends are in continuous alteration, and whichever type of market is it about, innovative solutions and approaches are an inevitable part of it.Therefore, the definition itself may be the same, but how things look in reality is much different.The rule that works one day may be completely outdated in a short period of time.And that’s where day to day market research plays a significant role.ENTERS CAPITALISMYou know that old trick when someone creates (an alleged) problem and offers the solution for that?That’s exactly what finances professor Michael Jensen and Dean William Meckling offered regarding this subject.They simply ignored the idea that creating customer is the single valid purpose of the company, the ver y idea represented by Peter Drucker.What they pointed out as the major goal is the firm’s ability to maximize the return to shareholders.This opinion actually became widely accepted and popular.COUNTER EFFECTS OF CHANGEThose who supported the new opinion hoped that their belief would focus executives on improving the real performance of their corporations and gradually increase the shareholder value as time goes by.However, the opposite happened and the real performance fell down.Shareholder value was supposed to be the logical result, not the strategy itself. Long term value could go in the upward direction only in case some short-term profits occurred.The actual mess was so big, that it simply cried for new ideas, new solutions, and new approach. Some sort of shift was necessary, in the form of fundamental changes. The customer came as a logical choice.Taking all the money into an account and the community of people involved, altering these “bad†habits was not an easy task to do.Some serious rethinking was expected in order to make it easier for the new approach to become reality.The key focus was the real market, which stood lots of positive chances to bring sustainability, provided things go as planned.With motivation and true meaning, the real market is the only possible scenario that allows us to connect with our consumers and based on that create huge plans and work on their realization.Such type of structure gives a bigger sense of authenticity to individuals and helps them discover the meaning in their job.In this type of arrangement, they are not seen as robots, but as contributors who bring something positive for society.It’s the idea of advancing humankind that pushed people to support this proactive and fact-based opinion.THE NECESSITY OF LEGAL (AND OTHER) ADJUSTMENTSHowever, the expectations market was not at all to be ignored as it also played more than an important role in forming the business strategy for the upcoming period. Ignoring it would be a disaster, so some adjustments were more than a logical step. First ones to take place were in the law sphere.The companies and executives as well should be legally responsible for any attempt to handle predictions and expectations.The point of such rule was to transform the executives into those in charge of giving true value. This came in form of the repeal of the 1995 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act.The second of adjustments, which obliged to write down the real assets based on the share price in the expectations market.To change that, elimination of regulation FASB 142 was simply a logical thing to do.The third measure saw eliminating the use of stock-based compensation as an incentive with the idea of shifting focus on the real market.Besides legal, some other alterations were necessary as well so to create adequate conditions for changes to take place.Above all, one of the main aspects to focus on was restoring authenticity to executives. The executives lost their perspective on how to use their work and based on that contribute to society.Besides, that addressing board governance was also among the suggested changes, as well as regulating expectations market players, above all hedge funds.CUSTOMER VALUE VS SHAREHOLDER VALUEThough one has to be aware that these two values are not to be mixed in terms of definition, still, in reality, they work together.In a way, they depend on each other.At least that’s how things should work, in some ideal scenario. But, for the sake of understanding how each of them works, here are the definitions.Speaking of customer value, it is seen as a determining factor for giving an explanation of what business purpose actually is.To translate this into a bit simpler words, whatever the consumer believes he/she is buying is what’s defines the value and leads to a prosperous business.So, to make business work based on this logic, it was necessary not only to satisfy the target consumers but much more th an that- to delight them!Gigantic corporations such as Apple, Google, and Amazon are more than excellent examples of the real value of putting consumers in the center.They show the ultimate, instant and customer-oriented value which led these brands straight to stars.Of course, those companies would never have been where they are if people who share the same vision and want to fulfill the same mission are gathered in the same community.Being innovative is a must-have feature if one was serious about surviving on the market and finding their way to the hearts of consumers.As for the shareholder value, this is seen as a social responsibility with the sole purpose of increasing the profit which will come as a result of needed and planned activities.Such an approach was a “godsend†for those who were constantly occupied with multitasking on several fields (firm, customers, employees). Instead, they only had to be in charge of making money for the shareholders, that’s all.We can fr eely say that such approach sounded rather seductive for those whose thoughts involved nothing else but pure profit.With this being a single occupation for their minds, it was easy for them to believe that becoming rich during the process is expected, in a way. You can call this a happy side-effect, as indeed sounds that way.Take Carl Icahn, one of the biggest corporate raiders. He was more than delighted with this approach and became the enforcer. This led to entrepreneurial behavior of CEOs, but in their own cause, not in terms of organization.However, this approach, compared to the consumer-oriented one, turned out to have plenty of bad side-effects.This inspired numerous not-so-smart business decisions, reflected in silly takeovers, high leverage, the craze for share buy-backs and whatnot.Thought the entire burden of such unreasonable behavior is not to be laid on definitions exclusively, still, it’s more than obvious that there were plenty of misinterpretations.However, the p roblem went far beyond just not clearly defining the shareholder value, it actually resulted in numerous significant profit declines.For some companies, the damage was so high that they had to stop operating and were actually completely destroyed.There was a huge gap, a disconnection between productivity and compensation. Since the ultimate result was discouraged workforce, it was more than obvious that some changes need to take place. Source: forbes.comActually, what worked even better is the thing we mentioned at the very beginning of this section-balance.The two values are intertwined and they can only bring benefits if one takes both into consideration and finds things that are actually applicable to a certain market.Of course, count this one of “easier said than done†situation, but for the beginning- there were some implications what actually might be a good formula for success.The first thing to do, to make room for some changes to occur was denouncing the cult of shareholder value and pointing out that this theory itself is wrong.It’s wrong in multiple key aspects such as financial, social, economic, and moral as well.Numerous important experts were united in the opinion that this theory itself needed to be overthrown otherwise it could make more damages.One of the suggestions was to pay more attention to the importance of the investments in innovations, and skilled workforce.In addition to this, bein g clear of what is the result and what is the value or in other words starting point and the goal is also important.Comparing things with the pursuit of happiness, you will certainly agree that direct pursuit is not the way to go.The single-minded approach is not a solution to make some ground-breaking changes and certainly promises nothing. The same goes for business, don’t chase the profit itself, it’s a guaranteed road to nowhere.Strive to achieve balance (once again!) and sustainability, fulfill smaller goals and you will prosper gradually and securely. That’s exactly how these two values should and can work together. HOW MANY VALUES ARE THERE ACTUALLY?Okay, we defined two major ones, but the truth is there are many more.Yeah we know, you head is about to explode, as you probably still digest the two we already explained.But again, things are not so complicated as they may seem at first sight.The truth is that all those other values are actually some forms of these two-cus tomer and shareholder.Those varieties come based on the industry, the branch, the size of the company, the number of employees, and so on.So, the whole point is that this deeper exploring reveals us layers beneath the surface.Those layers make smaller differences that may give the impression the number of values is countless. It is, but yours is to focus only on those that are in relation to your business.To put it simply, if your company deals with clothes and accessories for pets, you won’t have to bother brainstorming about what are the values that those companies which are manufacturing equipment for woodcarvers should take into consideration.We sincerely hope that our silly example entertained you a bit and relaxed you above all. The point is that, no matter how many values are there actually, yours is to stay focused on the ones that matter to your company.No one says you need to do it by yourself, not at all.That’s where the power of team steps in and saves the day. Try g athering a group of people that will have the same ideas and plans, and use each other’s skills and knowledge to give an overall contribution.As you could see from the previously explained parts, making an exact projection is impossible, and no one should waste the energy and resources on that.On the other hand, we are not telling that you should lead the business just like that, with no plan at all. But try to focus on smaller missions and see what you get when they are completed.Such an approach will give you a nice insight and valuable feedback on where you stand, and which sections are good to go, which ones require improvement.Just make sure you stay open-minded and accept the ideas by people who are experts in analyzing consumers and markets.GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTOkay, we are absolutely positive that these two questions are screaming inside your head in this very moment:Who the heck are THEM?How in the world could I know what THEY want?It’s simpler than you can imagine. When it comes to them, there are actually three groups of people we aim at here. Those are customers, employees, and investors.Each of them has some individual vision and you are the one to be knowledgeable about the possibilities.Which leads us to the second question where you will need to find out what they want and give them that. Is it possible, after all?Of course, all you have to do is put yourself in their shoes and you will be aware what is it that they want.What each of them has in common is the desire to get some value from you and yours is to give them that. So, leave all the short-term benefits aside (that’s the dumb part) and try to find out what each of them strives for.Take customers first, and what logically comes to your mind is that they are looking for a product or service that will bring them benefits, at the same time being of top-quality.Provide your customers with that!As for the employees, they also have their own visions (which are, expectedly and for the sake of convenience, the same ones you have), so see how to help them fulfill those.The third category, investors, also have their own ideas and plans, and they mainly look for something that will bring them profit. Make sure your business looks attractive in terms of that.Even though it may seem that you are supposed to be some good fairy that has to fulfill someone’s wishes and desires, don’t let the initial impression full you.It’s the short-term benefits we mentioned, they are the ones that can make you think there’s nothing that will bring any benefits for you.If you take all three groups and compare their desires, you will logically conclude that all of them are striving for the same goal- ultimate quality!So, top performance, wide base of consumers, plenty of profits, correct me if I’m wrong- but isn’t that EXACTLY what YOU are looking for as well?That’s the main catch with understanding and balancing different opinions and uniting them in the same goal. Again, it’s easy to say such things, when it comes to actually doing so, there are many obstacles on the way.There will be situations where you will certainly have the impression that you are losing yourself and your own ideas, be strong. Those events should encourage you to push even harder and don’t give up.Use them as a valuable experience, which indeed is.When the storm ends, you will have lots of useful knowledge and experience, and you will grow as a person.This goes not only for the business aspect of your life but for private as well. FINAL THOUGHTSAll in all, you can see that giving precise definitions in this field susceptible to constant changes is not an easy thing at all.Imagine this to be a truly living creature that has its own life, independent of our ideas and projections on how things should actually work.Therefore, using trial and error method could be a smart option in this case.Some things are simply impossible to predict and yet some are so obvious that they requ ire no calculations at all.Let’s say a balance is also among the most important components that can make any idea and plan work well.We also mentioned following trends as another essential thing for success.People and their tastes and opinions are easily changeable, and any market needs to keep tracks on what’s going on.For that reason, a dedicated team of various experts and professionals is needed to listen and investigate each sector closely.This is not a thing that can be handled by a single person exclusively, not at all.Simply one cannot have such strength and diversity of professional knowledge and skills to make absolutely everything work well.Gathering a team of people that is ready to rely on each other and work united will lead the company to success, that above all, regardless of what definitions say.After all, whether maximizing the shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world or not is hard to tell, and above all impossible to define one-sidedly.But, do we ha ve to, after all? For some, it WILL be the dumbest, while the others will see it as the wisest, as long as all sides are motivated and satisfied, who cares what the definitions say?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Gun Control - 738 Words
Gun control has become a huge political topic after the numerous violent killings in recent years. It has been debated whether gun control policies should be more lenient or more restrictive to best protect the American public. Many studies have been conducted in comparison to other countries that have stricter gun laws showing that crime has not dropped with increased gun control measures, nor has it affected a decline in homicide rates. Other reports have shown that countries with more lenient gun policies have been able to prevent criminals from committing crimes against armed citizens. Enacting strict gun policies would create an environment where crime rates would rise. Guns are only a tool used in killing people and assisting in†¦show more content†¦Kates and Mauser’s research shows that even with the presence of gun control policies there will continue to be murders and crimes being committed. As of 2002, Kates and Mauser’s research shows that Russia mai ntains the highest murder rates of established countries and has one of the strictest gun control policies. Their research shows that â€Å"Russia had a 20.54 per 100,000 murder rate with a 4,000 rate of gun ownership. On the other side, Finland had a 1.98 per 100,000 murder rate with a 39,000 rate of gun ownership†(Kates and Mauser, 2006). It would appear that crime, particularly murder, has thrived in a country that has a strict regulation in regards to guns while a country that has a more lenient policy has fewer homicides. It appears that crime increases when criminals know that their victims are unable to possess firearms to protect themselves. Gun control is not the issue in this country. The issue stems from the ability that criminals have to obtain firearms illegally. Even with a legitimate law restricting gun sales and possession, criminals will still find ways to get their hands on firearms. Even with policies in the United States requiring background checks for gun purchases, the government will not be able to limit a criminal’s ability to attain guns. It has been found that police agencies try to limit the amount of g uns that are transferred into aShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1225 Words  | 5 Pagesto discuss in this paper is gun control as I feel it is a hotly debated issue in the country today, especially after the incidents we have had throughout the recent years. Gun control has and probably will always be an issue that is argued for or against from all political sides, regardless, of your own beliefs one must look at the pros and cons of gun control to determine what is necessary. To address this, we must first look at the statistics on deaths involving guns and then apply the currentRead MoreGun Control: Pros and Cons1986 Words  | 8 Pages| Page(s) | 1 | Table of Content | 1 | 2 | Introduction | 2 | 3 | Gun Control: Pros (i) Disarm and Control Citizens (ii) Better Management (iii) Reduce Crime Rate and Death Rate | 3-4 | 4 | Gun Control: Cons (i) People’s Life Unsecured (ii) Women’s Safety Unguaranteed (iii) Spring Up of Black Markets (iv) Conflict with Democracy | 5-7 | 5 | Conclusion | 8 | 6 | References | 9 | Introduction: A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectilesRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1511 Words  | 7 PagesGun control is a policy that the government limits the keeping and using of guns by citizens. According to Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act Of 1968, the Gun Control Act is designed to provide support to Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence. (Journal of Legal Studies). Firearm is an epochal invention. But unfortunately, no matter in the past or now, guns and firearms are often misused. Therefore, gun control policy exists. InRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control875 Words  | 4 Pagesissue of gun control laws has become a prevalent topic of debate throughout American society. This debate stems from two opposing arguments over gun control. Some feel gun control laws are fair and not the contributing factor to these mass shootings, whereas, others feel that there is an urgent need for strict laws in order to end the problem of mass shootings. There are numerous pros and cons to the enforcement of stricter gun control laws but we must note a few things: stricter gun control laws wouldRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control897 Words  | 4 PagesGun control is an on going debated rather guns should be allowed or to be banned. Gun control, politics, legislation, and enforcement of measures intended to restrict access to, the possession of, or the use of arms, particularly firearms. Gun control is one of the most controversial and emotional issues in many countries, with the debate often centring on whether regulations on an individual’s right to arms are an undue restriction on liberty and whether there is a correlation between guns andRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control785 Words  | 4 PagesGun control is a big topic in the United States today, a lot of people have many different opinions on this. They are usually about whether we should we have gun control or not. We should not need gun control to solve crime in the United States. We need laws, background checks and more. The conversation about gun control will continue on as long as guns are made and used. The argument about gun control is doubled sided. This means that on one side citizens want the government to have control overRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1329 Words  | 6 PagesGun control is an extremely controversial topic in America. There are many advocates of weapon control - individuals who wish to have stricter laws to keep certain groups of individuals from acquiring a gun. In any case, there are likewise the general population who cant help contradicting gun control laws and accept there ought to be a more tolerant gun control to moreover enable individuals to protect themselves amid dangerous circumstances. On the two sides of this issue, sentiments extend fromRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1474 Words  | 6 PagesGun control laws are an ongoing process that varies from location, to time of history. Throughout history different laws and regulations have been made about gun control across all continents on earth. These laws change frequently and will continue to do so till the end of time. Many people are either for or against these laws depending on their religion, moral beliefs and location. Although increasing gun control is used for the protection of citizens, it could be deemed unnecessary to many becauseRead MoreGun Control, Pro and Con.850 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica is the most well armed nation in the world. The reason why Americans own so many guns is because of the second Amendment, which states â€Å"The Right to Bear Arm†. This amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to have firearms. In the freedictionary.com, weapon is defined as, an instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword. There are many kinds of weapons and almost all of them are illegal to use without registration. Weapons are changing over times. Looking backRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1073 Words  | 5 Pages Implementing gun control in the United States would only result in more chaos and increased rebellion from citizens who responsibly and legally own firearms. In doing so, the law-abiding citizens would be left defenseless against the criminals who continue to obtain guns illegally. Not only that, but the 2nd amendment rights of the United States Constitution would be diminished and the crime in the community would remain the same or perhaps increase. Gun control would not stop criminals from illegally
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Effect of Pride and Prejudice on Darcy and...
The Effect of Pride and Prejudice on Darcy and Elizabeths Relationship The novel Pride and Prejudice was written in 1796. It was written by a writer whos name was Jane Austin. The book was first published in 1813, and has consistently been Janes most popular novel. The original version of the novel was written in 1796, and was called First Impressions. In the story there is a family called The Bennetts. This is one of the main families in the book. The whole novel is almost based around this family. In this family there is, Mr Mrs Bennett, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Lydia, and Kitty. There are five daughters. Mrs Bennett is very determined to get her daughters married to someone with a lot of money. An entail is†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, Darcy could just be saying this because he is insecure that she is not interested in him and does not want to show this. So he decides to put down Elizabeth instead of showing that he is hurt by Elizabeths decision. Darcy is also shown to be prejudice towards Elizabeths family in chapter 33 in another way. Congratulated himself on lately having saved a friend from the inconveniences of a most imprudent marriage. Fitzwilliam says to Elizabeth that Darcy has said this. Darcy is shown to be boasting about the fact that he has saved his friend form a marriage. He thinks that he has saved his friend from marrying a woman not worth it, and who is not of the same class as them. Elizabeths pride is again hurt because he is downgrading her family. Darcy thinks that Elizabeths sister Jane is not good enough for his friend, Mr.Bingley. So, Elizabeths hatred for Darcy is growing by the fact that he is prejudice towards her family. The audience now are made to believe that Darcy is the bad guy. However they do not realise that what Fitzwilliam has said, could be gossip. Elizabeth shows pride in her character through the way that she talks about her family. She talks about her father and her sister Jane as being respectable. This is shown in chapter 33 by the phrase respectability whileShow MoreRelatedJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1048 Words  | 5 Pages In the novel Pride and Prejudice, love at first sight is mocked throughout the characters in this nineteenth century society. Jane Austen portrays irony in certain characters’ romances. Some characters were expected to be together due to â€Å"love at first sight,†yet Austen creates conflict which disrupts these relationships. Jane Austen mocks conventional romantic novels by developing hardships and obstacles among characters’ romances. Austen shatters the expectations of â€Å"love at first sight†andRead MoreNarrative Techniques Used in Pride and Prejudice Essay1149 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout this passage from Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen utilises various narrative techniques. These include dialogic qualities (showing) and the use of third person narrative including focalisation and free indirect speech (telling). Both showing and telling work on different levels to further the reader’s interpretation of different characters and give m eaning to the novel as a whole. The use of dialogue allows the reader to engage in conversations between characters, thus adding drama toRead More Essay on Prejudice and Pride in Pride and Prejudice1535 Words  | 7 PagesPrejudice and Pride in Pride and Prejudice        In any literary work the title and introduction make at least some allusion to the important events of the novel. With Pride and Prejudice, Austen takes this convention to the extreme, designing all of the first and some of the second half of the novel after the title and the first sentence. The concepts of pride, prejudice, and universally acknowledged truth (51), as well as the interpretation of those concepts, are the central focus ofRead MoreThroughout The Novels, Pride And Prejudice And Frankenstein,1191 Words  | 5 Pagesnovels, Pride and Prejudice and Frankenstein, Jane Austen and Mary Shelley, respectively, warn their readers of the social consequences of excessive pride and prejudice. They use their characters as embodiments of pride and prejudice in order to discuss this theme. While both authors emphasize the negative effects pride and prejudice have on reaching one’s goals and on forming relationships, Shelley’s tone and message holds much darker implications as she argues that pride and prejudice ultimatelyRead MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1450 Words  | 6 PagesShaped by its light-humored wit as well as heartfelt cast of characters, Pride and Prejudice explores the classic yet distinctive narrative of the two divergent characters Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Set towards the end of the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century in England, Jane Austen offers a profound insight into the social manners and behaviors expected of individuals in this time. In Elizabeth’s endeavor for independence in the face of her expectation as a female to marryRead MoreMarriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Essay1386 Words  | 6 PagesMarriage In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen introduces the major thematic concept of marriage and financial wealth. Throughout the novel, Austen depicts various relationships that exhibit the two recurring themes. Set during the regency period, the perception of marriage revolves around a universal truth. Austen claims that a single man â€Å"must be in want of a wife.†Hence, the social stature and wealth of men were of principal importance for women. Austen, however, hints that the opposite may proveRead MoreEvaluation of the Title of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesJane Austens Pride and Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice, some of the characters are distinctly associated with Pride and/or Prejudice. The definition for Pride is: those who have an excessively high opinion of themselves, while those who are believed to be prejudice prejudge people without a sufficient reason. These two themes are prominent throughout the book and are displayed through a variety of characters, including the two lovers, Elizabeth and Darcy. DarcysRead MoreReview Of Pride And Prejudice 1557 Words  | 7 PagesPride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s critically acclaimed novel, is renowned for the complicated dynamic between its two main characters, Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Although she does eventually fall for him, Elizabeth’s feelings towards Darcy for the first half of the story are vehemently negative, with no detectable amount of affection. Her unequivocal distaste for him plays a major part in her character arc as it slowly gives way to fondness. But in Simon Langston’s film adaption ofRead More Views on Pride, Prejudice and Marriage in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice5150 Words  | 21 PagesViews on Pride, Prejudice and Marriage in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Pride pride n., v., 1. high (or too high) opinion of ones own dignity, importance, worth, etc. 2. the condition or feeling of being proud. 3. a noble sense of what is due to oneself or ones position or character; self respect; self esteem. prejudice n., v., 1. an opinion In the novel by Jane Austen, displays a severe contrast between Elizabeth and Darcy in the story. Jane Austen does thisRead MoreSocietal Influence on Nineteenth Century Marriages in Pride and Prejudice1446 Words  | 6 PagesNineteenth Century Marriages in Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a nineteenth century novel revolving around the life and romantic affairs of the Bennett sisters and their family in the English countryside. Seen as a lady-like romance novel, Pride and Prejudice seems like a light read, but in reality Jane Austen uses her novel to make scathing commentary about nineteenth century society in England. Pride and Prejudice contrast the marriages of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Donnie Darko Free Essays
Donnie Darko Assessment Dashiell Lieberman I would like to answer this question not as the Dashiell we all know and love but as an existential Dashiell. As an existentialist I would want the truth and the facts; that is a lot different than wanting an explanation. An existentialist doesn’t believe that everything needs an explanation and a reason. We will write a custom essay sample on Donnie Darko or any similar topic only for you Order Now They believe in the cold hard truth and facts like the great existential characters Donnie Darko and Mersault of The Stranger, who died for representing the ultimate truth like Christ. So the truth I seek for my one day outside of reality is the creation of the world, the universe and who or what is the creator. Everything else in this world has been altered and corrupted by man and society but not the beginning; that is true and untouched. I want to know the overall truth of the world, the great mystery that the whole world has wondered. The origin of everything is my biggest wonder as a man just looking for the truth with no explanations or interpretations. I would travel through time and space searching and observing the creation of everything that has come to be. I would love to talk to the creator, if so, and just ask him some casual questions or learn of our scientific origins and it’s amazement. If I had this one day I wouldn’t waste it by doing insignificant things to make me happy for an hour; I would go big of course, I mean really big. I want these hours of freedom to change my life forever giving me the ultimate truth of the world so as an existentialist I can be satisfied knowing that there is no meaning or maybe there is. How to cite Donnie Darko, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Number Grid Investigation Essay Example
Number Grid Investigation Essay I was first given A 1010 grid, counting from 1-100. Inside the grid was A 22 box surrounding the numbers, 12, 13, 22 and 23;123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100I was asked to;* Find the product of the top left number and bottom right number in the box.* Do the same with the top right and bottom left numbers n the box.* Calculate the difference between these numbers.I did this,12 x 23 = 27613 x 22 = 286 286 276 = 10The difference between them was 10I decided to try it with A 33 box surrounding the numbers;12131422232412 x 34 = 40814 x 32 = 448 448 408 = 40The difference between them was 40I also tried this with A 44 box, and A 55 box:(44) 12 x 45 = 54015 x 42 = 630 630 540 = 90(55) 12 x 56 = 67216 x 52 = 832 832 672 = 160I decided to try and find A pattern between these numbers, I thought that since the boxes grows in an even n umber, so should the totals.Put into order they looked like this:Side of box length 2 3 4 5Difference in numbers 10 40 90 160Difference 30 50 7020 20There was A definite pattern between the numbers, this gave me the idea that I might be able to find A formula for the difference.I thought that if I were to start working out a formula, I should name some of the variables:Side of box = MTop of box = NSide of grid = XBottom of grid = YDifference = LI now had to start by trying to work out the sequence of the numbers:M = 2 3 4 5L = 10 40 90 16030 50 7020 20To work out A sequence, we first see how many times we have to look for an equal difference, in this case we have to go look twice, this means that M will be squared;M2We next look at the difference, in this case 20, we halve it, this will be multiplied by M;M2 x 10This should be the formula, I will test it;42 x 10 = 160This is clearly wrong, as this is the answer for the next part, but I can see whats wrong, so I can fix it. The probl em is that I am going to have to take 1 away from M before it is multiplied by 10 to get the correct formula;(M 1)2 x 10, or factorised, 10(M 1)2This will now work, (4 1)2 x 10 = 90I have found the formula for any square box, but the box must be square, as in the formula I only have one variable for size of box, and if the two sides are different, the formula will take the side put in to be both sides.This is A problem, I have decided to work on rectangular boxes.Rectangular BoxesWhen working out the rectangular boxes, I must keep one side the same, otherwise I will never find A pattern in totals, so I will work out the following boxes, keeping one side at 2 squares;123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100I will not write here all of my working, as it would take up too much space, so I will just write the results;N x M = L2x2 = 10 32 = 2042 = 3052 = 4062 = 50There is A certain pattern here, as each time we add 1 to N, the difference goes up by 10.Instead of taking M to be the variable in this formula, I will use N as it is the one changing;N 2 3 4 5 6L 10 20 30 40 5010 10 10 10As I only had to look once for A common difference, N will not have to be squared.The formula turned out like this:10 (N 1)I tested this for the 7th part of the sequence,10 (7 1) = 60, which, as you can see from the numbers above, is the next part of the sequence, I have found A formula for rectangles where M = 2.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Hi-ho-yo-yo inc Example
Hi Hi PAD PRINTING ORDER LIST ANALYSIS COME FIRST SERVED The company provides very illustrative mechanism for managing orders and even in various advertising and marketing scenerios, such levels convey ideal concepts relevant to modern businesses. For example, the printing factor involved various consistent considerations and this involves critical overview of core factors such as dominant business developments. This expression is vital because its policy involves serving clients or customers basing on requests and arrivals. There are no known biases or even preferences. Ideally, the policy applied involves defining relevant sales, and mostly involve queueing to acqure a service. Its relevance is widely seen in airline industries and FCFS is also evident in various party organizations. Shortest Processing Time (SPT) The time taken to complete all processing within a schedule and this procedure involve defining the completeness of tasks against time. The aspect itself involve dispatching relevant scheduling and by ensuring that specific undertakings have been simulated. There are very vital considerations regarding its performance and with a notable understanding of tardiness index, the crucial data is dissipated where the printing itself involve substantial amount of evidence. This consideration hence help to explain the order received set-up time, and this offers the use of SPT-T as a rule control mechanism. The platform reflected by Shortest Time Processing is integrated in terms of delays, procedural undertakings and time considerations. (Degeratu et al, 1999) Earliest date due The scheduling concept offers task assignment which is defined by resource assignment. The task’s arrangement is important because it specifies the amount of performance optimization needed. This model offers dependent priorities and it defines priority class and which involves equation that calculates time t,, with additional expression of virtual lateness considerations. The case here shows that the waiting time is minimized but also found out that the exact priorities are distinctly established. EDD also priorities static priorities and these are bound by limited queuing and at the very least; the mean itself is composed of increased flexibilities. EDD illustrates parallel dynamics, uncalculating relevancy in terms of priority identification. Critical Ratio Critical ratio involves identifying the time remaining before the work is completed and factoring it by remaining work time. This offers an easily updated dynamics, and it hence involves creating automatic updates in performance intervals. Its performance is far much better than other methods in terms of job lateness criteria. Summary of findings CR gives absolute priority to jobs which are to be done within a limited time and which need proper scheduling. Its application involves using systemic ratios which embraces specific levels of urgency within orders. Hence its ratio is derived from order requirement, urgency levels and need and this hence offer specific timings required to complete tasks. References Degeratu, A.M., Arvind, R. and Jianan, W.(1999).Consumer Choice Behaviour in Online and Traditional Supermarkets: The Effects of Brand Name, Price and Other Search Attributes. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17(1): 55–78.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Learn to Tell Time in German
Learn to Tell Time in German Telling time in German requires knowing three basic ingredients: the numbers from 1 to 59, the German words for to and after, and the fractions quarter and half (past). Heres How: Learn or review the German numbers from 1-59.An hour is divided up like a pie into quarters (viertel) and halves (halb).For half past, you say halb and the next hour. Halb acht 7:30, i.e., half (way to) eight.After is nach. Es ist zehn nach zwei 2:10 (Its ten after two).For quarter past, you say Viertel nach: Viertel nach neun 9:15.To or before is vor (FOR). Viertel vor zwei 1:45. Zehn vor elf 10:50.English oclock is Uhr in German. Es ist fà ¼nf Uhr 5:00 (five oclock).For precise times, you say Uhr between the hour and the minutes: zehn Uhr zwà ¶lf 10:12.For many common situations (timetables, TV guides), Germans use 24-hour (military) time.Add 12 to a pm time to get the 24-hour form: 2 pm 12 14.00 (vierzehn Uhr).To express 24-hour time, be precise: zwanzig Uhr neun 20.09 8:09 pm.Practice your German time-telling skills with every clock or schedule you see. Tips: Make sure you know your German numbers well. Watch out for eins. With time its ein Uhr (1:00).Accept the fact that there are different ways of telling time in different cultures, none of which is better or worse than the others.Remember that understanding the time is usually more important than being able to say it.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Mans Search for Meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mans Search for Meaning - Essay Example However, the 20th century revealed another image of human, less generalized and, in his drives, a more individual one. Viktor E. Frankl, mostly basing his ideas on his psychoanalytic experience in concentration camps during World War II, had developed quite opposite to Freud’s one, and more current point of view on a subject. According to Frankl, one of the key drives for human existence is finding a meaning of life. Considering human as an animal of higher order, Freud naturally generalizes drives of human life to instincts, which are common for all people, and also are inherent for all human beings. Thus, the reasons for individual to behave in particular way also originate from the â€Å"inside†of a human, because those reasons are rather inherent or based on individual’s past. Freud is known to be the â€Å"father†of psychoanalysis, and in his studying of neuroses he also believed, that the common origin for all mind disorders is a past psychological trauma. Therefore, neuroses are caused by those human desires which once in the past were repressed by individual himself (even if he was forced to repress his desires as the result of psychological trauma). This idea naturally comes from Freud’s structural model of human’s psyche, which consists of three parts. â€Å"Id†is a driving force for all human actions and behavior, and is in common for all hu man beings. â€Å"Ego†is human’s individuality, which is reasonable, and therefore establishes connections between â€Å"id†and â€Å"superego†. â€Å"Superego†is a human inner censor, who gauges actions. â€Å"Superego†is based upon issues of authorities. Yet Freud rests most of the responsibility for human behavior on that â€Å"id†, which always stays in common for all individuals while â€Å"ego†and â€Å"superego†depend on conditions very much. In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning Frankl brings next Freud’s utterance.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Adoption of standardized terminologies Coursework
Adoption of standardized terminologies - Coursework Example In my capacity as a practicing research clinical nurse, I would welcome the implementation of Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) standardized terminology. NIC is a broad, research-based, standardized classification of care-interventions that clinical nurses perform (Nolan, 2004). It is important for communication of care all over, clinical documentation, productivity measurement, and integration of data across systems and settings, competency evaluation, effectiveness research, curricular design and reimbursement (Clark & Lang, 1992). The NIC Classification comprises of both collaborative and independent interventions that clinical nurses do on behalf of their patients as well as both direct and indirect patient care. Nurses define an intervention as any vital treatment, based on clinical knowledge, wisdom and judgment that a clinical nurse performs to boost client or patient outcomes (Nolan, 2004). I would welcome NIC because it is useful in all clinical settings from acute care ICUs to home care, hospice and primary care. NIC can also be used in all medical specialties from critical patient care to ambulatory care, as well as long-term care (Nolan, 2004). Although the entire NIC classification only describes the nursing domain, some of its interventions are also done by other care providers. Moreover, NIC is also applicable to other non-physician providers in describing their treatments. It is a terminology that can save many situations in case of emergencies in care, in the presence and absence of a nurse (Clark & Lang,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Processing Algorithm For Laser Keyboards Computer Science Essay
Processing Algorithm For Laser Keyboards Computer Science Essay The interface which we use to interact with a computer is a hardware device called the keyboard. There have been drastic changes in the keyboard layouts which have evolved into the designs like those of the DVORAK and QWERTY keyboards. Then came the digital era where almost everything is in the digital form making things simpler to use and smaller in size. As the demand for more computing environments have evolved, new human computer interfaces have been implemented to provide multi-form interactions between users and machines. Nonetheless, the basis for most human to computer interactions remains the traditional keyboard and mouse. Ordinary keyboards are reasonably sized, comfortable and effective. However, they are difficult to carry and often require wiring. To overcome these problems a smaller and more mobile touch typing device has been proposed which does not have any physical support. This device is known as virtual keyboard or zero form factor interface. Introduction In 1999, a proposal was made to use a single tiny sensor to observe the users fingers transforming motions into keystrokes. The main idea was to make a keyboard out of sensors and light, projecting it on desktops, airplane tray tables and any other flat surface. This started a new concept of using a keyboard with a different interface. The virtual keyboard was designed in a way to replace laptops mechanical keyboards, making the devices thinner and lighter. The virtual keyboard is an unbreakable, washable keypad, projected onto a flat surface used in hospital operating rooms, space vehicles and in other computerized environments. Types of Virtual Keyboards 2.1 On Screen keyboard The on-screen keyboard is built in with the windows operating system. This started a revolution of virtual keyboards in this digital era. It allows users with mobility impairments to type data by using a pointing device or joystick. It provides a minimum level of functionality for some people with mobility impairments and also helps users who do not know how to type. It can be used even when there is no external keyboard. It is also referred to sometimes as hot virtual keyboard. A number of advanced features have been enabled to make the on-screen typing easier, faster and more accurate. It lets the users to type accurately and faster by suggesting words based on taps. This technology works similar to the one available in modern mobile phones and communicators, enabling faster and accurate typing by suggesting the correct words after entering a few symbols. This keyboard will be more useful for users of TabletPC, Ultra-mobile PC, PanelPC, CarPC and similar touch-screen devices. The picture below is that of an on-screen keyboard. Figure 1(Tan, D. S., Keyani, P., and Czerwinski, M. 2005) Affordances of On-Screen Keyboard Replacing physical keyboard: The on-screen keyboard is designed in such a way that, it replaces the physical keyboard. The people using the computer systems will find its usage very much helpful. Can do all the work: It functions just like an ordinary keyboard having all the QWERTY keys. It also helps the users from the tedious work of typing. 2.2 Laser Keyboard The laser keyboard actually replaces the traditional keyboard. This can be placed on any kind of flat surface. It can be automatically connected to the nearest device available using the bluetooth technology. It is about the size of a small cellular phone and enables the users to type texts or e-mails as easily as like a ordinary keyboard. It uses a light projection of a full-sized computer keyboard on almost any surface. Used with PDAs and Smart Phones, the virtual keyboard provides a practical way to do e-mail, word processing and spreadsheet tasks, enabling the users to leave laptops and computers at home. The virtual keyboard adaptable technology studies the users finger movements to interpret and record keystrokes. As the virtual keyboard is an image projected by light, it disappears completely when not in use. The picture shown below is that of a laser keyboard. C:Documents and Settingss507046Desktoplaser_keyboard.jpg Figure 2 (Tomasi, C., Rafii, A., and Torunoglu, I. 2003) TECHNICAL ASPECTS: I-Techs opinion was to build everything from scratch. In the process, they designed sensors based on a variety of principles, from the special- purpose structured-light devices called beam trangulators to methods based on the measurement of time and phase1 of returning light pulses invented by Canestas Cyrus Bamji. The main hardware modules used in the architecture of the virtual keyboard are categorized into three modules namely 3-D optical camera, visual feedback and a processing platform. The camera is connected to the platform and to the PC via USB 2.0 interface. Using serial port the feedback communicates with the computer system. The sensors in the camera are designed in such a way that it avoids all other background light. Together, they cost less than a mechanical keyboard, and draw less power than a cell phone. The resulting system feels almost like a mechanical keyboard, even if users feel only the impact of their fingers on the projection surface when typing. The optical system projects the keyboard onto the typing surface; its infrared light source generates an invisible, fan-shaped beam grazing the surface; and its sensing system includes a processing unit. All are in fixed relative positions; no user adjustment is required. The projector is positioned high on the host device. In the simplest sensor, the camera looks down at the typing surface at a shallow angle through a wide lens sensitive only to infrared light. A finger striking the typing surface breaks the infrared beam, thereby becoming visible to the camera. Triangulation then determines the position of the finger on the typing surface. Even with this simple sensor, implementation of the projection keyboard under the constraints of weight, size, power, cost, reliability, and usability has involved formidable technical challenges. Keyboard projection: Most current optical-projection systems mask light to form images at a distance. For instance, in a slide projector, the slide itself blocks part of the light hitting it; the remaining light makes it through the lens and onto the screen, forming the image. This is the basic technique used in the projection of the keyboard on a flat surface. Finger lighting and sensing: When typing, a users useful action occurs in the thin layer of space that separates the hovering and constantly moving fingers from the surface of the keyboard. In a perfect world, an infinitesimally thin sheet of infrared light grazing the typing surface could be used as a trip switch; when a finger intersects the beam, it would also be touching the surface. In this instance, a finger that becomes visible to the camera is a finger that hits a key, and all that is left for the sensor is determining the fingers position by triangulation. Affordances of Laser Keyboard Easy to use: The laser keyboard is very easy to use. It gets connected to an available computer system easily without much effort. Easy to install: It is very easy to install and requires no wiring for it. It uses the Bluetooth technology to get connected to the computer systems. Portable: As it looks like a mobile phone, it is very much portable and is used irrespective of the surface used for typing purposes. It can be used as an ordinary keyboard with adjustable sensors which allow the user to change the size of the keyboard according to his usage. 2.3 Laser Pen Keyboard In the laser pen keyboard the sensors are attached to a device which looks like a pen. The setup also has a projector which displays the keyboard on the screen. When it is integrated with the projector it is merely used as a projecting device which projects just what is being printed on the screen. It can also be connected with a monitor for viewing the display. A picture of the laser pen keyboard is shown below. C:Documents and SettingsS506432DesktopVKBpens5.jpg Figure 3(Retrieved from http://us.gizmodo.com/gadgets/images/laserpen.jpg) Technical interface The sensors in the setup used for projecting the keyboard are the infra red rays. These rays are projected on to a flat surface for better sensing of hovering of the keys. The usage of this keyboard is very convenient as it has no wires to connect. The lithium batteries in the sensors allow us to use this setup continuously for 2 hours of typing. It comes with 63 keys and a full size QWERTY layout which allows the user to be as comfortable as he is with the standard ordinary keyboard. This also has a stylus which allows the users to use the keyboard in a compact area where the resizing of the keyboard becomes a necessity. One of the advantages of using this keyboard is that the size of the keyboard can be altered as per the user. Affordances of Laser Pen Keyboard Simple to use: The setup for the laser pen keyboard is very simple to use. This makes the users to perform tasks in a simpler way. Laser pen keyboard can be connected to any computing device to perform input actions for the device. Connection can be made without using wires or any physical network. Screen Projection: Laser pen keyboard not only has a keyboard projection but also has a screen projection. One pen does the keyboard projection with numbers of keys on keyboard and the other pen does the screen projection which shows the keys which are selected and also actions done on the keyboard. Working of Laser Keyboards: The working of the virtual keyboard consists of five main modules (1) depth map error correction, a camera dependent module based on specific models designed for the range camera, (2) background subtraction, (3) central column estimation, (4) fingertip detection, and (5) keystroke detection. The figure shows the complete working of the basic working implemented in the design of the virtual keyboards. Figure 4(Huan Du, Thierry Oggier, Felix Lustenberger and Edoardo Charbon 2004) A 3D range camera is placed over the input surface with a well-defined angle facing the working area. The size of the working area is limited by the spatial resolution of the camera. The display projector is mounted on the camera which would generate the visual feedback for the keyboard and input information. The camera is adjusted at startup. It assumes the surface as a projection matrix. The keystroke detection is usually done through this projection matrix. This is passed as a map and is processed for error correction. The error correction compensates the errors caused by the unevenness of the surface. The rectified range measurements, combined with gray-scale image, are then subtracted from the reference image. It is then stored as a binary format in the matrix formed. After applying the central column estimation, which is defined as the pixel segments associated with fingers that are good candidates for an event, by searching the local extreme in x-coordinate along the hand boundary, and applying the fingertip detection by extracting features with curve modeling, precise location of fingertips can be found in the hand region. Finally, the keystroke detection is obtained by fitting depth curve applying another feature model, and the corresponding hitting positions are mapped back to the world coordinate system to infer the stricken keys. The updated key status is then sent to visual feedback module to generate refreshed display. The visual feedback module projects a dynamically generated image on to a LCD. When the algorithm used, detects a key-striking event on the surface, an UPDATE command is sent. The command contains the specific key information. It updates the generated display and the user can see the change of keyboard image as a textual or graphical update. The information supplied by the camera allows developing a few simpler and more efficient algorithms to estimate the position of fingertips and to locate the corresponding key. Simplicity and efficiency are key elements to enable real-time and even portable applications. Future and Scope of the Project: Users see this as an emerging technology which helps as an interface to connect to the digital world. Though its use is being restricted to fewer applications now, as users learn more about this, it can be expected that users for this virtual keyboard increase in the near future. However there are a few challenges in this project. The main disadvantage is that of light scattering and close target. And due to this the image resolution becomes low and restricts the user to use it with a large view window. In the future, we may expect that the above said disadvantages will be solved and virtual keyboard will be used on flat surfaces and also on uneven surfaces. The keyboard could also be used on any type of surface like water and so on, so that the user can use the keyboard when ever and where ever necessary. CONCLUSION: More than a decade ago, (Mark Weiser,2000) of Xerox PARC, said, The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. This fundamental unobtrusiveness is the main metric of validity for the fledgling field of electronic perception technology. The virtual keyboard can be termed a great invention in the digital world. Users look forward for it being used in a more effective way than before. Users also can expect the inventors to make an advancement of it in such a way that it can be used on any kind of a surface.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Today doing business is no longer a matter of creating the best products or making the most profit, it has developed to a matter of how? Due to scandals including child labour, poor working conditions and neglect of safety and health regulations, companies worldwide have been forced to revaluate their moral and ethical standards. Consumers are now caring about much more than just the product, which compel companies to monitor manufactures, secure labour standards and to be aware of the environment. This new phenomenon is called Corporate Social Responsibility or by its shortening CSR. Some companies like H&M or Zara have rejected to be involved in CSR. Others have taken CSR to a whole new level. Nike Inc. has during the past years not only followed the recent development within CSR but the apparel mastodon has also evolved to be a role model. Nike has as many other companies renewed their supply chain and methods of manufacturing. Their newest motto â€Å"Innovative for a better world†describes their efforts at the most, but their new system of ranking manufactures, their Materials Sustainability Index that provides designers with information on the potential environmental impact of the products they use, recycling program of old shoes and their new manufacturing process of their recent shoe â€Å"Flyknit†with minimal waste speaks for it self. Nike has with these investments proved they are willing to â€Å"Innovate for a better world†but how does it affect Nikes marketing environment and will these investments comply with the overall concept: Making money? Nike is market leader within athletic products worldwide and is considered the 26th most powerful brand by Forbes. The athletic brand has an annual turn over on 21.8 billion dollars and spends 2.7 billion dollars on advertising every year. The importance of Nike is not to be mistaken. Therefore their latest investments in CSR are a huge boost to the issue. Many huge companies such as H&M and Zara have rejected to invest in CSR although their have been numerous scandals of poor working condition and child labour, which shows not all companies are willing to invest in sustainability and social causes. Nike has actually been involved in such scandals, but denied all accusations. Nike has however with these new methods shut up all the critics. The company has been known for innovate shoes and closes to new standards and has used their strength in innovation to create new business methods: â€Å"Our vision is clear: to help NIKE, Inc. and our consumers thrive in a sustainable economy where people, profit and planet are in balance†. Nike is, according to this quote, trying to accomplish the almost impossible and create a win–win situation for the company it self and its marketing environment. But is this possible? I believe so! They have created better work conditions for employees of their manufactures because of the pressure Nike has put on theme. Nike rate the manufactures with gold, silver and bronze medals and have set the goal of all manufactures should have a bronze medal by 2020. And although Nike has made huge investments in innovating their products to new manufacturing and product standards with focus on low environmental damage and a lot of recycling and therefore probably raised their prices, consumers actually stand by Nikes new methods although raised prices usually do not get the approval of the average consumer. Nikes revenue has increased from 18,528 million dollar in 2009 to 25,313 million dollar in the fiscal year of 2013. This could be caused by the increased prices of their products but Nikes return on invested capital has followed the same development and has increased from 17.8 % in 2009 to 23,8 % in the fiscal year of 2013. What is more, all this is accomplished during a very difficult financial period, which only gives Nike extra credit. Furthermore Nike is increasing the competitive situation when they implement other competitive parameters than just product or price. Nike is also forcing the consumers to make a choice: Cheap products manufactured by brands, who do not have the same CSR – profile as Nike and therefore do not care about sustainability, the environment or employees of the manufactures, who often work under poor conditions and put their lives on the risk every day, just to make some close or Nike who are trying to do the right thing and change these things. I am a big fan of Nike’s new manufacturing methods! They seem to have made the impossible and made a win – win situation. They keep innovating new clothing and shoes, which becomes popular the moment it hits the market. And they accomplish this wonder contemporary with investing in better work conditions, sustainability and low environmental damage. Additionally they keep improving their accounting figures, even in difficult financial times! Absolutely amazing in my opinion! B: Blog Then it happened again. A huge company forgot to do their research properly. We have seen it before when the Japanese car manufacturing giant Mazda named their car â€Å"MR2†, which means faeces in the French language or when Warner Brothers named their new big movie wonder â€Å"Free Willy†, which is not the nicest word in the British language. This time it was the American athletic brand Nike, which released their new shoe â€Å"Black and Tan†close to St. Patrick’s Day. It was a tribute to the huge beer brewery Guiness, which also inspires the shoe, which includes an illustration of a beer in the sole. Usually that kind of shoe would have been popular among the beer loving Irish people. But Nike’s marketing people forgot one thing: The Black and Tan was a violent British paramilitary, which ravaged the Irish independence wars and among this the atrocities of Bloody Sunday. Not a name you want to use for a shoe honoring the Irish peoples most favo rite company. And Nike has experienced the consequences of the mistake. Nike has put a lot of money into innovating and advertising the shoe, which only makes the fault bigger. Some simple research or a Googling of â€Å"Black and Tan†could have averted the problem. Nike has now made a shoe to tribute Guiness that they cannot sell in Ireland. It may have ruined Nikes reputation and brand in Ireland and it has cost Nike million of dollars in manufacturing the shoe and may even cost billions of dollars in losses of future sales in Ireland. Hopefully Nike and other companies have learned their lesson and in the future understand the importance of cultural research.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Great Depression Of 1929 - 1473 Words
The first economic collapse of its magnitude, the Great Depression of 1929, produced devastating effects with lasting longevity. Though born in America, it maintained its origin and spread rapidly throughout the industrial world. The election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought upon changes that improved America’s overall economic situation. A new leader’s viewpoint along with The New Deal and its reform programs, and a second World War improved the conditions brought about by the economic crisis. There were many factors that caused this economic collapse, posing a deep impact on society and politics during this period. The stock market crash of 1929 began the economic turmoil that devastated lives of those especially in the industrial field of work. When the stock market failed, so did the banks of America. Bank deposits were uninsured so when a bank failed, families lost their savings. Unsure of the economic situation and concerned for their own survival, remaining banks became unwilling to create loans. This worsened the situation causing a reduction in expenditures. There also was an overall reduction in purchasing items. With the stock market crash and the fears of further economic troubles, individuals stopped making purchases. This caused a reduction in the number of items produced and thus a reduction in the jobs being kept in the workforce. As individuals lost their jobs, they were unable to pay for items they had bought through payment plans and their itemsShow MoreR elatedThe Great Depression Of 19291049 Words  | 5 Pages The Great Depression of 1929 was a deadly blow to the economy. This occurs when the United State won the World War I. After the war people who worked in the factories making weapons lost their job. People who came back from the war did not when back to work they were proud of themselves having fun time buying stocks. Then the disaster happened, on October 29 the Black Tuesday the stock market crashes, the stock drop the banker who bought the stock invest more money into the stock hope the stockRead MoreGreat Depression of 19293549 Words  | 15 PagesThe Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn which started in October of 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s. It began in the United States and quickly spread to Europe and every part of the world, with devastating effects in both industrialized countries and producers of raw materials. International trade declined sharply, as did personal incomes, tax re venues, prices and profits. Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those based on heavy industry. Unemployment andRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929 Essay2073 Words  | 9 Pagessince the outbreak of great depression of 1929 and it still haunts the economy of America today. The Great Depression was a time of financial hardships and misery for the Americans. America experienced a time of wreckage and terror. The Great Depression was not a sudden collapse. Many events led up to the most traumatic economic period of modern times. World War I, the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†and unequal distribution of wealth among the people were all origins of the Great Depression but a specific causeRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929 Essay2122 Words  | 9 PagesThe Great Depression of 1929 is a worldwide depression that lasts until the beginning of World War II in 1939. The Word of Revelation describes this event, as the merchants who are the world’s important pe ople, and they will not hear again. By each magic spell, all the nations find themselves astray†(Revelation 18:23). Here, God instructions the heavens to rejoice over the fall of the United States’ internal and external systems. There is joy in this because this system is an evil system of intoleranceRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 19291125 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Depression The Great Depression began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. The Great Depression was one of the worst periods in the history of the United Sates. Along with the U.S, many other nations around the globe were also affected. The Depression kicked off when the stock market crashed in October 1929. Many investors were wiped out; as a result, people started to panic. The Great Depression brought about unemployment and poverty. The nation was shaken to its foundation. Everyone from richRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929-19392217 Words  | 9 PagesAlthough the Great Depression of 1929-1939 was a detrimental and hard time for America due to increases in crime rates, unemployment rates, and shortages of food, the economic collapse was also a time for President Franklin Roosevelt to reassess the economic situation in America. Roosevelt put in place laws, agencies, and legislature that better shaped the structure of the country, and ultimately created a more powerful and stronger country, both economically and socially. The new legislature thatRead MoreThe Crash Of 1929 : The Great Depression969 Words  | 4 PagesThe Crash of 1929 The 1920’s in America were known as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties.†Americans could all live a life of luxury. Technological advances and new inventions were improving the quality of life in every home. Working class Americans were able to enjoy automobiles, telephones, and new appliances. Banks began to finance these new lavish commodities to citizens using installment plans. No one was deprived the right of living the American dream. However, excessive borrowing, stock speculationRead MoreThe Great Depression ( 1929-1939 )1813 Words  | 8 PagesThe Great Depression (1929-1939) is the worst economic downturn that the modern world has ever seen before. Beginning with the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929, the situation grew worse in the United States, in part, due to the tremendous wealth disparity between the higher class and the lower class. Wages did not grow nearly as quickly as production did during this era, so many people were unable to purchase certain goods. As a result, there was an excess in supply, which prompted layoffsRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929 And World War II988 Words  | 4 Pages55 million, but their population is declining. According to extension.missouri.edu, they are retirees in majority and formed the largest voting population. Seniors or veterans also called Silent Generation inherited the consequences of the Great Depression of 1929 and World War II. They feel gratified by the effort or work, they are struggling to work and usually stay for long in the same company. They are obedient and respectful to authority, they are cautious and have a sense of duty but modern technologiesRead MoreThe Great Depression of 1929 vs. the Great Recession of 20082799 Words  | 12 PagesThe Great Depression of 1929 Vs. The Great Recession of 2008 In America there have been great economic struggles and triumphs. The many great leaders of this country have foraged, failed, and overcome some very difficult times. Comparing the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 has revealed similarities that by learning from our mistakes in 1929 could have prevented the latest recession. I will discuss the causes of the Great Depression and the Great Recession, and what policies
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Racism in America Today Essay - 1048 Words
Dating back to the beginning of times people have always been looked at different depending on the color of their skin or what your religion, race, or beliefs may be. It is in our human nature to not like people for certain things that they are. Many will argue that in this day in age we are no longer at a race war but how can you be so sure when you actually open your eyes and see reality. Rapper Kanye West once said â€Å"racism is still alive, they just be concealing it†and these words are everything but false. You must ask yourself the real question about racism and it is how could you ever cure such a thing in people’s minds? People are free to think and believe what ever they would like and old habits such as racism will never change in†¦show more content†¦This movement was lead for over 10 years before blacks finally start getting rights in 1968. The year now is 2014 and with the Civil Right Movement being less than 60 years ago the generation who live d this is still alive. Most people still remember and hate that they once had for the opposing race and that is something that will never be forgotten and this generation will grow to teach their kids that and it will be an endless cycle of racism. The Klu Klux Klan is a group of white supremacist that believe that there race is supreme and that the African American race should be wiped off the earth. The question of is race still alive should already be answered just by the presence of such a group. In reports by CNS News in the last 86 years the Klan has lynched 3,446 blacks and that number is still on the rise today (Starr). Immigrants who come to America are greeted with racism. Mexico is one of the leading countries that we get immigrants from (Botalava, and Terrazas). In cities such an Arizona where it is flooded with people from Mexico they have begun taken action with laws against immigrants. Many claim that these newfound laws are racism and it is only to hurt Mexicans. Im migrants are typically met with harsh words from different races such as â€Å"go back to your own country†, or â€Å"your people do not belong hereShow MoreRelatedRacism in America Today1933 Words  | 8 PagesRacism has been a terrible problem in American society for hundreds of years. Racism issues are not limited to one specific race, but include all races. It is the responsibility of the people of this nation to address racism and learn to accept and embrace each other for our differences, and allow this great nation to become even more united for our sake and the sake of future generations. To eliminate racism it is imperative to know first, where racism started and how it has developed, why it continuesRead MoreEssay on Racism in America Today1316 Words  | 6 PagesThe legacy of past racism directed at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the ca pacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure. - Stanford Historian George Frederickson. The population of the United States of America has been one of mixed race since its very beginning. Boatload upon boatload of enslaved Africans provided a labor force which wouldRead MoreEssay on Racism in America Today2249 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"Racism can be defined as beliefs, attitudes, actions or behaviors that are based on phenotypic characteristics or ethnic affiliation†(Patcher, 2010). Racism is a struggle that, to this day, has continued to be a major issue. The color of someone’s skin alters how a person is perceived by society as a whole. Race is a social construct created by humans to categorize the world. (Ponds, 2013) The outlook on racism varies from community to community, family to family, and even person toRead MoreRacism in America Today Essay954 Words  | 4 Pages Long walk to freedom? Although slavery is over and African Americans are in a better place today than they were years ago we still have long ways to go. There are still people out there that is praying for our downfall. There are still people out there who wants to harm us and make us extinct. Even though we’re allowed to go to school with whites there is still controversy with us being friends and even dating. Just like some Caucasians are racists there are some African Americans that are as wellRead MoreChristopher Columbus Persuasive Essay726 Words  | 3 Pages America. The â€Å"Land of the Free†and the â€Å"Home of the Brave.†Yet, is this country truly one where all can live freely? Free for the poor? Free for immigrants? Free for religious minorities? Free for people of color? The United States of America is a country that was created to allow for certain freedoms for all people, yet within its rich history and today’s world, our country has become a melting pot for prejudice, racism, and ignorance. As our world progresses further, it may seem as if thereRead MoreRacism in America Essay1121 Words  | 5 Pagesthough America prides itself on being this melting pot racism is still alive and well today. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity, the country that calls to so many; calling to them with the promise of freedom and prosperity, to live their lives as they see fit. As stated in the National Anthem, America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. America is the country where dreams c an come true. So if America has emerged as a single people and nation, why does racism stillRead MoreRacism in Our Society Essay examples1068 Words  | 5 PagesRacism in Our Society Race relations are becoming increasingly important in our civilization. Despite this increasing importance, the question, Is our society racist? is commonly debated. After investigating this subject, it is evident to me that American society is racist. There are various definitions of both racism and society. It is important to clearly define these terms when addressing such a controversial and emotional issue. Racism is defined by Merriam-Webster as a beliefRead MoreRacism And The Civil Rights Movement984 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is racism? By definition racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one s own race is superior. This is a big issue in America today. Many Americans believe that racism is over in this country because it had gone through a civil rights revolution but those people are more than wrong. Some people believe that just because America went through a civil rights movement that all racism is gone. That everything wasRead MoreRacism : Some Call It A Disease1153 Words  | 5 PagesRacism Some call it a â€Å"disease†, some consider it a way of life, and others want it to be gone. Racism has been around for centuries as a sensitive controversial topic among Americans. Racism comes from way back when before I was born and it shocks me that it s still a popular subject in this day an age. It has been brought to the countries attention and has gotten better, but hasn’t vanished and still remains. Everyone views racism differently and have different reasons to why racism may be presentRead MoreEssay about Racism: Then and Now991 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history in America there has always been the idea of racism. When Americans think of racism, they usually think of slavery and that racism is no longer a problem in America. However, this is not the case. Racism is still very apparent in America. It is true that since the end of slavery, the U.S. has made great strides towards becoming a less racist country. In reality, racism will never be extinct. In today’s society, all American citizens of all races have the same rights as one another
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