Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Racism in America Today Essay - 1048 Words
Dating back to the beginning of times people have always been looked at different depending on the color of their skin or what your religion, race, or beliefs may be. It is in our human nature to not like people for certain things that they are. Many will argue that in this day in age we are no longer at a race war but how can you be so sure when you actually open your eyes and see reality. Rapper Kanye West once said â€Å"racism is still alive, they just be concealing it†and these words are everything but false. You must ask yourself the real question about racism and it is how could you ever cure such a thing in people’s minds? People are free to think and believe what ever they would like and old habits such as racism will never change in†¦show more content†¦This movement was lead for over 10 years before blacks finally start getting rights in 1968. The year now is 2014 and with the Civil Right Movement being less than 60 years ago the generation who live d this is still alive. Most people still remember and hate that they once had for the opposing race and that is something that will never be forgotten and this generation will grow to teach their kids that and it will be an endless cycle of racism. The Klu Klux Klan is a group of white supremacist that believe that there race is supreme and that the African American race should be wiped off the earth. The question of is race still alive should already be answered just by the presence of such a group. In reports by CNS News in the last 86 years the Klan has lynched 3,446 blacks and that number is still on the rise today (Starr). Immigrants who come to America are greeted with racism. Mexico is one of the leading countries that we get immigrants from (Botalava, and Terrazas). In cities such an Arizona where it is flooded with people from Mexico they have begun taken action with laws against immigrants. Many claim that these newfound laws are racism and it is only to hurt Mexicans. Im migrants are typically met with harsh words from different races such as â€Å"go back to your own country†, or â€Å"your people do not belong hereShow MoreRelatedRacism in America Today1933 Words  | 8 PagesRacism has been a terrible problem in American society for hundreds of years. Racism issues are not limited to one specific race, but include all races. It is the responsibility of the people of this nation to address racism and learn to accept and embrace each other for our differences, and allow this great nation to become even more united for our sake and the sake of future generations. 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